Regenerative Agriculture in Practice Project (RAPP) 2023

In conjunction with the Lower Blackwood LCDC the 2023 RAPP Project is off and running!

To achieve our goal of fostering knowledge, and building communities of practice to enable effective and long lasting practice change, we understand the importance of providing continuity. With this in mind RAPP 2023 has been designed to build on learnings from the LCDC’s current and previous projects, providing returning participants and alumni the opportunity to continue to grow and develop their skills further, whilst also providing opportunity for new landholders interested in learning and adopting regenerative farming techniques.

For more information on the project visit the LBLCDC Project Page.

Filling the Autumn Feed Gap

This Growers Group project is aimed at beef producers in the Lower South West region, and will demonstrate the potential of autumn grazed fodder crops to provide a lower cost and more productive alternative to supplement feeding with conserved fodder in the high rainfall Lower South West region in WA.

The project focus will be on whether a successful autumn forage crop could allow beef producers in the region to meet weaner target weights and maintain stocking rates during that crucial late summer, early autumn period as well as providing a lower cost feed alternative to fodder conservation.

The four-year project will see a strip trial demonstration site established in the first year where 6-10 different autumn fodder varieties will be seeded to see how they perform, with quality and dry matter being measured and season length, timing and persistence of each variety being observed. Years 2 to 4 will then see potential well-performing varieties selected and rolled out at five different farm sites across the Lower South West Region.

The project will also include a number of field days throughout the four years as well as case studies and a producer project guide to provide an information hub for Lower South West Growers on Autumn Fodder crops.

Due for completeion in December 2023, final demonstration site results are now being compiled with a full project case study in development. For results and case studies of the previous 2 years see:

This project has been enabled though funding from Meat & Livestock Australia’s Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS) program.

This project is sponsored by: